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This pack includes all the essentials to kick start your hormonal balance journey. You will experience increased energy levels throughout the day and feel more hydrated. This will contribute to a more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. Say goodbye to aches, pains, fatigue and bloating.

The pack includes supplies for a 10 day period.

Sophia's Codes Hormony drops 20ml

Drop under your tongue 2ml (2 syringe full) in morning before breakfast.

Sophia's Codes Hormony Tea (10 bags)

Add 1 tea bag in pot with 1 cup of water. Boil for 6 minutes. Pour into cup then add 1-2 tea spoon of honey to taste. Drink each evening.

Beetroot powder 100g/Cayene pepper 5g

Add 2 table spoon in 200ml water with 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper before breakfast.

Sea Salt Cystals 10g

Dissolve 2 or 3 salt crystal on tongue and follow with water. Do this each time you drink water through the day.

Soluble/ Insoluble fibre 50g

Mix 1/4 teaspoon in 200ml water and drink 20-30mins before lunch and before dinner.

Magnesium spray rub 30ml

Use on muscle cramps and pains 2-3 times per day.

Sea Moss & Bladderwrack (20 Capsules) (3600mg each)

Take 2 capsules before bed with water.

Hormone Balance Starter Pack

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